Changes for 1.60: - fix bug in doDeleteVolume2 for setting the volume dev handle in the RAID action request. - Add option to use default settings on volume creation. - Changed default stripe size to 128K - fixed a build error that occurred if REGISTER_ACCESS was set to 0 at compile time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.59: - Add code that determines BIOS/FCode compatibility for first MPI 2.0 chips. - Add "Dump PCI config space". - Modify code that allows changing SAS persistent entries, to handle changing a set of mappings from one EnclosureId to another EnclosureId. - Enhance display of expander routing tables to accommodate the SAS 2.0 committee changing the opcode for REPORT EXPANDER ROUTE TABLE LIST from 17h to 22h. - After displaying diagnostic pages, don't ask about making changes except for page numbers that are known to be writable. - Make modifications to the RAID volume creation code to take drive minimums from config pages, rather than hard-coding them. Also, allow selecting a stripe size for any volume type except for mirrored (RAID1) volumes. - Add ability to send QUERY TASK and ABORT TASK to the "Reset target" routine; this is not the ideal place to put them, but it's the best of the current alternatives. No allowance is made for specifying the identity of the task to be queried or aborted; the intent is that these will be used merely to verify that such requests can be issued (not that they'll be successful). - Add some missing config pages to "Dump all port state". - After resetting the chip (DOS/EFI), wait 20 milliseconds before making any chip accesses, per the MPT specification. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.58: - Add option 66, "Show SAS discovery errors". - Fix bug introduced in 1.57 that broke option 13 for SAS. - Fix bug introduced in 1.56 that made diagnostic buffer actions appear to fail for Windows, when in fact they had actually succeeded. - Fix options 8, 13, 16, 18, 33, 35, 44, 68, 80, and 81, to accommodate differences between MPI 1.x and MPI 2.0 (the new link speed of 6.0 Gbps being the most prominent one). - Modify expander firmware download to allow boot records (BufferID 10) to be headerless. If a header is needed (mode 2), but is not present, add it. If a header is not needed (mode 6), but is present, remove it. Also fix verification code to be more robust. - Fix MPI 2.0 bug that caused duplicate devices to be shown on Windows during a device scan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.57: - Implement RAID actions for MPI 2.0, and implement "Delete hot spare". - Add Linux support for MPI 2.0. - Modify NVDATA concatenation code for latest MPI 2.0 firmware changes. - When downloading expander firmware, if mode is 2, use Write Buffer, but if mode is 6 or 7, use SES Download Microcode. Before downloading, verify the image for Buffer IDs 0, 2, and 10. - For SAS, add "Force full discovery". - Add "Identify FLASH device". - Fix more endian problems, by adding code that allows the compiler to detect them automatically. - Skip verification after firmware download when the special bridge firmware (1.18.99) is being used. - Fix the multi-path detection code (used when creating volumes), which was reading enclosure pages incorrectly. - Fix the code that handles metadata size, to use ManufacturingPage4 instead of IOCPage6 (the former can be modified, while the latter cannot). - After reading diagnostic pages, allow the data to be modified and the page written back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.56: - Implement -k flag to suppress the "select a device" mechanism for many diagnostic functions, and instead allow directly entering bus and target numbers. - Fix the -h (help) display, which got broken when paging was implemented. - Add some routines to help debug expanders (read/write expander memory, read/write expander ISTWI devices, expander firmware download, expander reset). - Implement all of the diagnostic buffer actions for Solaris (a new driver is required). Also, when any diagnostic buffer action fails, display detailed information if it's available. - Don't try to verify a firmware download for SAS if only a bootloader image is active; the required "firmware upload" support is not implemented. - Fix endian issues in various places. - Fix the code that was trying to detect multi-pathed disks when creating RAID volumes; it was not correctly determining whether two enclosures were in fact the same enclosure. - In the "Log Sense" and "Diagnostic Page" tests, make the buffer larger, and check for the device returning more data than requested. - When working with RAID physical disks, consistently use the physical disk count that is in IOCPage3, vs. the one in IOCPage2. - Add path information to the display of RAID physical disks, whenever there is more than one path. - Enhance "Scan for devices" to also show (hidden) RAID physical disks. - Fix the Solaris code that determines device names, to handle SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) devices, and to handle SAS disks with long GUID-based names. - For "Send SMP request", if the handle entered is 0, prompt for SAS WWID and physical port to be entered manually. - Fix bug in "Send SCSI CDB" that caused loss of detailed failure information (including SCSI status and, if there was a Check Condition, any sense data). - More MPI 2.0 work: add a real list of supported devices, fix the expander routing table display code, fix the SATA Clear Affiliation code, fix SCSI I/O reply handling to correctly obtain sense data. - Fix a bug in the EFI implementation of scanf(): %n did not work correctly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.55: - Extend paged output in menus to cover all output in all circumstances. - Make the maximum number of devices shown in menus compile-time configurable, with the default remaining at 99. - Add the ability to turn off MPT register access at compile time, since this causes crashes on some Linux standalone platforms. - Accommodate more differences between MPI 1.5 and MPI 2.0 (in SCSI I/O replies and event handling). Also, for MPI 2.0, use the BTDH IOCTL to get the driver mapping between bus/target and device handle. - When the -g flag is used, ask if the fwdiagtool header should be added when doing diagnostic buffer reads. - Have options 15, 17, and 20 automatically bring the port online under DOS and EFI. - Expand the PCI information printed to include the segment number. - Add verification after firmware downloads (read the image back, and compare with what was written). - When creating RAID volumes, correctly enforce rules about mixing SAS and SATA drives, and SSD and non-SSD drives. Also, use the metadata size that is specified in IOC Page 6. - Fix code that implements setting the volume name (string length check was wrong, and volume addressing was wrong). - When deleting a the last volume, delete any hot spares that remain; otherwise those physical disks are left stranded. - For Solaris, use an IOCTL to get the driver name and version. Use that same IOCTL to get PCI information; only if that fails should the "reg" property be used to get PCI information. - When dumping config pages, dump SAS Expander Page 1 correctly (there is one page per expander phy), and fix its name (it was called "SASDevicePage1"!). - Implement the new changes for MPI 2.0 NVDATA concatenation. Add IOC Page 8, BIOS Page 4, and Driver Mapping Page 0. - Add MPI 2.0 support to the DOS/EFI driver. - Add "Read Buffer (for firmware upload)" to allow reading back device or expander firmware and saving into a file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.54: - Fix concatenation bug that caused invalid SAS firmware files to be generated - Catch error if no file name is entered for option 15, suboption 8 - Add ability to issue product-specific SAS IO Unit Control and Diag Data Upload requests - When modifying SAS IO Unit settings, if "all phys" is selected, the default should be to preserve existing settings per phy, rather than overwrite with new settings - Handle self-configuring expanders when displaying expander route tables - When setting a volume name, use the new RAID action - Change the display of PCI location information to include the segment number - Allow SMP requests and responses to be up to 1024 bytes (per the SAS spec) - Fix problem where the maximum target allowed is less than expected, so some targets can be missed in a scan - Add preliminary parsing of MPI 2.0 NVDATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.53: - Add initial support for MPI 2.0 - Add -q switch, to query files for version information - Add -g switch, to guarantee asking of questions that otherwise would be suppressed (such as the bus number, when there's only one bus); this makes it easier to script lsiutil from Perl - Rework the way that ports are found under Solaris, to eliminate what are sometimes lengthy delays waiting for prtconf to run -- the new code uses the devinfo library to directly walk the device tree - Fix memory leaks when using the -j switch (ports not selected were not being closed), and when using options 18 or 44 - Add "Set SAS phy offline/online" - Add ability to save persistent mappings to a file, then later restore them - Add "Diagnostic Page Test", which reads any SCSI diagnostic pages - Add code to enable or disable the read or write caches in SCSI devices - Fix incomplete implementation of "Force firmware to fault (with C0FFEE)" - Add verification of internal FCode checksum - Add verification of PCIR image length - Extend "Inject/Repair media error" test so that it works for SATA devices - When downloading drive firmware, set default mode to 5 for SATA devices - Fix bug in "Show physical disks" that assumed physdisk numbers were dense - Detect multi-pathed disks when creating RAID volumes, and suppress their inclusion in the device list - Add code to allow binary files to be written when dumping chip locations (the -g switch must be used for force the question) - Fix an endian bug when dumping chip locations below 0x10000000 - Modified SAS phy/link reset code to ask for a device handle, so that remote phys or links (i.e., on expanders) can be reset - For DOS/EFI, avoid issuing Port Enable if possible, since that request can take a long time to complete - Change method of checking for "context reply" after SCSI request passthrough under Windows, from looking for a specific MsgContext value, to looking for the reply's MsgLength being zero - Add retries under Linux if an IOCTL fails with EAGAIN - Increase size of DOS/EFI scratch buffer to 1 MB (from 64 KB) to accommodate large drive firmware downloads - When exiting on DOS/EFI, don't reset a port that was not brought online ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.52: - Make changes required to allow an EBC version for EFI - Make changes required to allow native 64-bit IA64 and AMD64 versions for Windows - Modify Linux workarounds for IOC_INIT (needed to write Manufacturing config pages) - For Solaris, modify findPorts() to first use "prtconf -D", and then as a fallback, use /etc/path_to_inst, so that working ports can be more accurately identified - Fix several big-endian bugs in the RAID-related options - Don't print a stripe size for IM volumes (it's not valid like it is for IME and IS volumes) - Add support for a few new FC Management toolbox functions - Rewrite getOsDeviceName() for Solaris, so that FCA devices are handled as well as SCSA devices - Fix an off-by-one message when complaining about incorrect VPD end tags - Enhance SAS NVDATA parser to handle version 2D - Support NPIV for FC by adding a -v switch (to identify which virtual port to masquerade as) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.51: - Add date/time stamp when logging to lsiutil.log - Add "SEP (SCSI Enclosure Processor) Test" - Add "FC management tools" - Add "Force firmware to fault (with C0FFEE)" for SAS - Add "Report LUNs Test" - Fix dumping of memory regions to work with FC919/FC929 - Increase chunk size for firmware download/upload, for DOS only - Allow Sun's mpt driver to work (for Solaris) - Fix endian bugs in firmware download when checking for 1MB/2MB issues - Dump enclosure pages when displaying attached devices for SAS - Add checks for maximum physical disks in a volume - When creating a volume, allow user to specify "no initial sync" - Display FC WWNs and SAS WWID as part of -i (aka option 68) - Add FC949E A2, 53C1030T A2, SAS1064E B3, SAS1068E B3, and 1078 C2 chips ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.50: - Rearrange some source files to allow easier building on Windows and Solaris - Add ability to set individual bits, bytes, words, when modifying config pages (e.g., when prompted for a value, type "bit3=1", or "bits7:4=2", or "byte2=17") - Add "Show expander routing tables" - Add "Disable/Enable drive firmware update mode" to RAID actions - Add "Display Log entries" and "Clear (erase) Log entries" - Add "Upload FLASH section" - Add "Display version information" - Add "Display/Program chip VPD information" - Add back deleting of persistent entries for SAS, and add "Change Bus/Target of a existing mapping" - Add code to firmware download that handles the SAS phase 8 to phase 8 bridge firmware image (version 1.18.99) - When erasing the BIOS, fill with FF rather than 00 to match the FLASH erase pattern - Add ability to control booting under EFI for "Change FC Port settings" - Modify "Change WWID" code to allow for variable-sized config page - Under DOS or EFI, after any RAID action, sleep for 5 seconds to allow drive metadata to be updated (if necessary) - Use the Memory Move toolbox tool to allow "Dump chip memory regions" to be able to dump tightly-couple memory for SAS and FC - Beef up the display of SAS control settings in "Dump all port state" - Display IOCLogInfo value for any RAID action request that fails - Enhance concatenation to handle NVDATA versions 25, 28, 29, and 2B - Properly return Check Condition Sense Data under DOS and EFI - Switch DOS code to use memory space instead of I/O space, whenever possible ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.49: - Fix build issues with latest SLES10/RHEL5 drivers - Add -j to allow selecting just FC, SCSI or SAS ports - Add doWaitForResync (RAID action) - Add doRemoveSasDevice - Fix -b and -r to obey -p, -0, and -1 - Fix port and driver naming under Windows StorPort drivers - Add 1 MB to 2 MB migration code for SAS (phase 9), DOS and EFI only - Fix doCreateVolume to obey volume member limits - Remove all tabs from output, replace with spaces - Add parsing of NVDATA version 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.48: - Add -w, -ww, and -www flags to capture debug output - Add -x flag to concatenate SAS firmware and NVDATA files - Switch from using PortType as a selector, to ProductIdType - For DOS and EFI, make sure port is ready for each new option - For ports stuck in reset, don't prompt for a firmware file unless and until the port is selected - For EFI, do a firmware upload to handle FWDLB cases (no FLASH) - Add paged menu mode - Move "Beacon on/off" to be FC-specific - Add "Erase non-volatile adapter storage" - Add "Diagnostic Buffer actions" - Add "Program manufacturing information" for FC and SAS - Add "Set personal WWNN/WWPN" for FC - Add "Send SCSI CDB" - Remove most persistence actions for SAS, as they no longer are supported by firmware - Add "Inject/Repair media error" - Add "Set/Clear write protect" - When downloading SAS firmware, make sure the attached NVDATA is correct for the port's board type - Fix SAS firmware validity checking to correctly detect wrong chip type and wrong chip revision - Allow setting/clearing Native Command Queue Disable and SATA Write Cache Disable for SAS - Allow "Read/Write/Verify Logical Blocks" to touch individual volume members, just like "Inject/Repair media error" - Fix incorrect ordering of LBA High/Middle/Low parts in "Send SATA request" - Add dumping of VPD data (Manufacturing Page 1), if non-zero, to board info display - Fix incorrect defaulting of FC's HostSCSIID (15 is no longer correct) - Fix EFI code to truncate files properly - Fix EFI code to use I/O space properly, if required (1030/1030T) - Fix DOS code to not enable chip interrupts (caused a hang while exiting on some platforms) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.47: - Add support for EFI - Add a workaround for older Linux mptbase drivers (fix IOC_INIT failing) - Add doWriteLogicalBlocks and doVerifyLogicalBlocks - Add generic SATA passthrough - Allow -b (showBoardInfo) in combination with any other arguments - Increase range of Initiator Device Timeout value, by using the supported scale factor (x16) if necessary - Allow setting the Device Missing Report Delay and Device Missing I/O Delay values - Fix a bug in configuring wide ports - Add support for RAID Volumes of size > 2 TB - Add missing config pages to doPortStateDump (-d) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.46: - Add -0 and -1 options, to skip IOC numbers 0 and 1, for certain operations (so, lsiutil -1 99 would only reset each chip once) - Enhance display to show IOC number (same as PCI function number) - Check to see if the firmware is in Operational state before trying the first MPT command, to avoid causing a chip reset if the firmware is in Fault state (if so, option 99 will perform a chip reset, if desired) - Fix code that obtains MPT register addresses for Linux (was broken for some systems with 2.6 kernels) - Fix code that displays operating system device names for Linux (was displaying incorrect names for some SAS and FC devices whose SCSI bus/target numbers were not equal to their MPT bus/target numbers) - Move code that enables MPT register access inside the loops for options 51 and 52, so that access continues to work even if the chip is reset - Add display of IOCFactsReply and PortFactsReply to port state that is dumped by -d, and only display FC Port Page 3 pages that are valid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.45: - Fixed get2bytes/get3bytes/get4bytes macros to properly truncate - Fixed formats for 64-bit integers when printed (Windows is different) - Added doDriveFirmwareDownload - Added doDisplaySfpPages - Added doDefaultPhyRegsSettings - Extended event displaying to Linux and Solaris - Added some control over port configuration in doSasIoUnitSettings - Reworked getOsDeviceName slightly for Linux and Solaris - Fixed bug in doPortStateSummary which reversed Yes and No for SSP Initiator Enabled and SSP Target Enabled displays - Added support for FC949E A1 - Fixed Linux version of doMptCommand to correctly gather Sense Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.44: - Upgrade to 1.05.13 MPI headers - Add doReadLogicalBlocks and doDisplayOsDeviceNames - Add EEDP support - Add an optional duration to the monitor frequency (-m f,d) - Add "reset port" option to all submenus too - Don't send quiesce/unquiesce RAID actions to SAS IR (not supported) - Don't coerce RAID volume size if it's small (less than 1 GB) - Add SAS1068E B1 as a known device ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.43: - Add Clear ACA (option 24) - Fix a Linux buffer overrun that caused only the first port to be discovered for some architectures - Fix ManufacturingPage2 checksum offset for FC949E - Guard against divide-by-zero when displaying volume resync percent - Prevent a target from being chosen twice when creating a volume - Add the flag that deletes PhysDisks when deleting a Volume - Fix a DOS bug (internal buffer corruption) by rearranging the order of operations when starting a new command -- bring the chip online first, before loading the scratch buffers - Correctly set RequestDataLength to NOT include the CRC bytes, when sending hand-built SMP Passthrough commands - Add a hardware workaround for the FC949E to the Firmware Download Boot code for DOS - Fix Adapter Reset for SAS1078 (DOS only) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.42: - Add Log Sense Test - Add SATA SMART Read Test - Add Create Hot Spare - Add Send SMP Request - Add support for the 1078 - Change number of LUNs probed to 64 for FC and SAS (leave SCSI alone) - In doFcPortSettings, preserve original HardALPA setting if user quits - Fix endian issue when creating volumes (default settings were incorrect for SPARC and PowerPC) - Fix typo in doPhysDiskSettings that used the wrong Action value - Ignore IOC Page 3 in doShowNonDefaultSettings - Ignore LOG pages in doRestoreDefaultSettings - Fix DOS MPT driver to not poll the Doorbell while DMA is active ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.41: - Fix build errors on some Linux systems - Filter out bad "what" strings (any of the first 4 characters are bogus) - Fix missing 50/51/52/53 from main menu on Linux systems - Add checking for 1064 A3 SAS firmware images - Use current config page data if non-volatile data is invalid - Add "Read Default Write NVRAM" to "Test configuration page actions" - Resolve SAS firmware hang by not reading LOG page types - Remove IO Unit Page 3 from "Restore default settings" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.40: - Added MPT and chip register access for Linux - Added doShowNonDefaultSettings and doRestoreDefaultSettings - Fixed commands to consistently check for errors - Added check for overflow of volume size when creating a volume - Fixed "free" calls in doDisplayCurrentEvents - Added retries around Windows IOCTL calls, to handle BUSY status - Added warning message if any Linux IOCTL call is rejected - Added speed/width negotiation to DOS driver for SCSI - Added a watchdog timer routine to DOS driver to catch faults - Fixed firmware download boot for 929X in DOS driver ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.39: - Add DOS support - Add 949E support - Add MPT register access and chip register access - Move diag_targets[99] from stack storage to global storage - Add Read Block Limits (like Read Capacity but for tapes) - Initialize memory after allocation, always - When menu options are picked from -a, don't print the menu itself - When showing current firmware version, print both hex and decimal - Fix bug in displaying phy error counters that nearly always hid errors - Allow 2-member IS volumes (previously, 2-member volumes were always IM) - Zero errno (the last error that occurred) prior to each syscall - Fixed bug that made "lsiutil -e" (or "lsiutil -u") just exit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.38: - Update to latest header files, 1.05.10 - Display chip rev as well as chip name - Add Display Phy Counters and Clear Phy Counters - Make display of firmware version be accurate, always - Add Trigger Analyzer with Echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.37: - Fixed all mallocs that did not have frees - Added Read Capacity and Mode Page tests - Added -n (companion to -y) to answer questions automatically - In Identify, print current running firmware version as well as FLASH versions - If mptscsih is not loaded, quit (from Scan for Devices) early - Increase metadata size for SAS IR volumes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.36: - Simplify menus using "expert mode", which is enabled with -e on the command line, or by typing "e" at any menu prompt - Add display of transfer statistics for FC (-m, for "monitor") - Allow -h to print help even if no ports found - Fix firmware download and config page reads for old versions of MPT (1.00) - Allow easier erasing of BIOS/FCode images - Add an explicit error message for Linux if a SCSI I/O fails due to the mptscsih driver not being loaded ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.35: - Check for new Windows split-driver names (lsi_fc, lsi_scsi, lsi_sas) - Display all "what" strings that are found - Add SATA Clear Affiliation test - Add ability to monitor current events (Linux only so far) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.34: - Add -b option, which gets board info (from manufacturing config pages) - Add SATA Identify Drive test - Fix bug in -p where ranges didn't quite work right - Add routine to get the length of a variable config page, and use it - Add warning for trying to use an old FC929X firmware image on an FC929XL - When setting FC devices persistent, set SCAN_ID and SCAN_LUNS flags too - Add display of what phys are connected to what, in Display Attached Devices - Remove all knowledge of EEDP for now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.33: - On Linux, try "modprobe mptctl" and "mknod /dev/mptctl c 10 220" if IOCTLs don't work - Fix bug when manually setting SAS persistence - Add additional checking to distinguish 929X from 929XL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.32: - Added coercion of disk size when making an IR volume ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for 1.31: - Added -a to allow arguments to be entered on the command line - Added Beacon on/off - Detected Sun FCode for 1030 (and hopefully for 1064 too) - Fixed bug when manually entering more than one SAS persistent address - Fixed bug when underrun occurs but some data is transferred (NOT an error!)